Sunday, November 12, 2017


The Foundations of Educational Technology course has been an amazing experience.  I have enjoyed so many of the activities.  When the course began, I felt clueless and afraid of the unknown.  Technology had always been my Achilles heel. It was confusing and overwhelming due to the massive amount of information available.  After diving into each assignment, my fear began to fade and enlightenment developed replacing the fear that once existed my mind.  I was excited to learn and even more excited to share my experiences with my students and colleagues. My colleagues welcomed me into their classrooms and gave me the opportunity to share my newfound joy of integrating technology into our curriculum to increase student engagement and learning.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Online Learning Space

Assignment #1
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

In October, my Foundations in Educational Technology Class was given the task of creating an Online Learning Space with a collaborative tool for our students.  Every task assigned provoked bittersweet feelings due to my lack of technology skills. While trying to decide what learning space I would use for my 1st grade students, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Google Classroom.  

Check out my Google Classroom